Fosse Ardeatine 170503 SZ 117.JPG
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Roma 03/05/2017. Il Presidente della Repubblica Federale di Germania ed il Presidente Italiano portano una corona al mausoleo delle Fosse Ardeatine. Per la prima volta un Presidente tedesco si reca alle Fosse Ardeatine.
Rome May 3rd 2017. The President of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian President of the Republic bring a flowers crown to the Ardeatine Caves, to commemorate the Ardeatine massacre of 25th March 1944, by German occupation troops during the Second World War as a reprisal for a partisan attack conducted on the previous day in central Rome against the SS Police Regiment Bozen. The victims were 335, 75 of them were jewish. This is the first time a Deutch President visits the Caves.
Foto Samantha Zucchi Insidefoto