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Frank-Walter Steinmeier <br />
Roma 03/05/2017. Il Presidente della Repubblica Federale di Germania ed il Presidente Italiano portano una corona al mausoleo delle Fosse Ardeatine. Per la prima volta un Presidente tedesco si reca alle Fosse Ardeatine.<br />
Rome May 3rd 2017. The President of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian President of the Republic bring a flowers crown to the Ardeatine Caves, to commemorate the Ardeatine massacre of 25th March 1944, by German occupation troops during the Second World War as a reprisal for a partisan attack conducted on the previous day in central Rome against the SS Police Regiment Bozen. The victims were 335, 75 of them were jewish. This is the first time a Deutch President visits the Caves.<br />
Foto Samantha Zucchi Insidefoto